Podcast France Bleu : Eurosign, innovation leader
Emission “Y’a de quoi être fier”, diffusion le mercredi 2 octobre 2019 : Eurosign, leader de l’Innovation Vous pouvez écouter l’émission :
MAGAZINE “L’USINE NOUVELLE”: Magnetic handling equipment
The RAINETTE strapping aid: an ally that won’t let you down! Link to the article: https://www.usinenouvelle.com/expo/rainette-dispositif-magnetique-d-aide-p331473680.html
With a patented system that makes it possible to effortlessly lift cast iron plates and road buffers, the Catalan company wants to increase its export market share. LIFTPLAQ Eurosign in a few figures.
ECONOMIC EVENT “SEPTUORS”: Innovative projects
The SEPTUORS Trophies and their OCCINOV’ final were designed to promote companies that innovate, distinguish themselves and develop in the region. Business leaders from the Pyrénées-Orientales will be honoured. 3 nominated in the Coup de Coeur category. Link to website: https://septuors.fr/
NEWSPAPER «MIDI-LIBRE»: Lépine Competition
In the Pyrénées-Orientales – The fixing of goods revolutionized It’s an invention that comes to us this time from the Pyrénées-Orientales, in Claira. The LiftPlaq Eurosign company presents the RAINETTE at the Lépine competition… Link to article: https://www.midilibre.fr/2019/05/07/concours-lepine-decouvrez-les-innovations-des-12-inventeurs-de-la-region,8185878.php
MAGAZINE “FRANCE ROUTES”: Truck student drivers Championship of France
French student drivers Championship 2019 We would like to thank Mr. Franck Dauvel for his invitation to participate in this event, a complete professional competition with multiple practical tests, which calls the use of know-how and the application of teaching. We support this initiative and wish all applicants to live this experience fully Link to […]
NEWSPAPER “LE PETIT JOURNAL 66”: Lépine Competition
LA RAINETTE, Thomas Garcia will present this ingenious invention at the Concours Lépine soon in Paris. Link to article: https://www.lepetitjournal.net/66-pyrenees-orientales/2019/03/11/un-hippolytain-au-concours-lepine/#gsc.tab=0
A “HIPPOLYTAIN” AT THE LÉPINE COMPETITION: LA RAINETTE, Thomas Garcia will present this ingenious invention at the Lépine Competition which will soon be held in Paris. Link to article: https://www.lepetitjournal.net/66-pyrenees-orientales/2019/03/11/un-hippolytain-au-concours-lepine/#gsc.tab=0
NEWSPAPER « L’INDÉPENDANT »: Lépine Competition
Article from L’indépendant presenting Mr. Garcia Thomas’ new invention, the FROAT, revolutionizes strapping thanks to its two powerful magnets, thus facilitating and securing the securing of straps. La Rainette is presented at the Lépine competition in Paris. Link to the article: Rainette_FR_presse
Perpignan – Thomas Garcia, the inventor of Rainette: “I’ve always had a fertile imagination!” Link to the article: www.lindependant.fr/2019/03/04/perpignan-thomas-garcia-linventeur-de-rainette-jai-toujours-eu-une-imagination-feconde,8049282.php
MAGAZINE “DIGITALIGNE”: Lift heavy loads without risks
Lift heavy loads safely with Liftplaq products. Reduction of risks for the worker. A very convenient device. Link to article: https://www.digitaligne.fr/soulever-des-charges-lourdes-sans-risques-avec-les-produits-liftplaq/